The Creation of Government: Teaching the Constitution and the Bill of Rights


Primary Source documents, no matter how captivating, can be boring to many secondary students. How do we teach these materials, not only to serve as preparation for standardized tests, but to make these historical founding documents come to life? Teachers enrolled in this course will explore various lesson and project ideas that focus on illustrating the history behind how our government was created. This course is applicable to all educators, guidance counselors/social workers/psychologists, administrators, and any related service providers of all subjects, grades K-12.

45 hours / 3 credits inservice and graduate credits.

Please note: If taking this course for MNU graduate credit, there is a TWO step registration process.

Step 1) Register with OSA by purchasing your Graduate Credit course below.

Step 2) Register with MNU:

OSA will email you a registration link within 3 days. Click the link and complete your MNU registration. The seperate fee to MNU will be $270.

$240 (OSA) + $270 (MNU)= $510 per graduate course with MNU.

SKU: course # 1073 Categories: , ,

Samantha Markowitz


(3 Credits / 45 hours)


Type of Credit

Inservice Credits and Graduate Credits

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