Safe and Sanitized: A Classroom Set for Success


 In the wake of the Covid-19 Pandemic, people have become more germ-conscious.  There is increased awareness of personal space, the cleanliness of the things we touch, and how safe we are when we leave our homes.  The classroom is a place where teachers and students spend considerable time, and that environment must be as safe as possible.  Teachers and students alike face the challenge in school of preventing the spread of germs while maintaining a focus on education.  And so, we must not only understand the importance of heeding cautionary information, but also how to practice these measures in a realistic, long-term manner.  Teachers enrolled in this course will explore various safety protocols and will learn valuable, practicable tools to ensure a safe educational environment conducive to learning.

This course is applicable to all educators, guidance counselors/social workers/psychologists, administrators, and any related service providers of all subjects, grades K-12.

45 hours / 3 credits in-service and graduate credits.


Please note: If taking this course for MNU graduate credit, there is a TWO step registration process.

Step 1) Register with OSA by purchasing your Graduate Credit course below.

Step 2)Register with MNU:

OSA will email you a registration link within 3 days. Click the link and complete your MNU registration. The separate fee to MNU will be $270.

$240 (OSA) + $270 (MNU)= $510 per graduate course with MNU.


Lee Markowitz


(3 Credits / 45 hours) In-service Credits or Grad Credits


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