Keyboarding: Ways Occupational Therapists can Promote Typing Skills


In today’s digital age, keyboarding is an essential skill for students. From completing school and homework assignments to writing emails, browsing the internet, and using social media, efficient typing can enhance productivity in academics, communication, and leisure activities. Enhancing a student’s ability to type is not just about learning to type faster; it’s about acquiring a skill set that will serve them throughout their life. Understanding how performance skills impact occupational performance uniquely positions occupational therapists to support students who have difficulty with keyboarding skills. In this course, participants will learn keyboarding readiness, performance skills needed for typing, grade level expectations for typing and developmentally appropriate keyboard interventions. Participants will analyze typing styles and learn how typing speed and accuracy are measured. This course will delve into school-based typing curriculums and available online typing programs. Participants will also learn about technology-based typing solutions, modifications, accommodations and assistive technology tools to promote access.

This course is applicable for all school-based occupational therapists, grades K-12.

45 hours / 3 credits in-service and graduate credits.


Please note: If taking this course for MNU graduate credit, there is a TWO step registration process.

Step 1) Register with OSA by purchasing your Graduate Credit course below.

Step 2) Register with MNU: OSA will email you a registration link within 3 days. Click the link and complete your MNU registration. The separate fee to MNU will be $270.

$240 (OSA) + $270 (MNU)= $510 per graduate course with MNU.

SKU: 51177400 Categories: ,

Erin Finneran



(3 Credits / 45 hours)

Type of Credits

Inservice Credits, MidAmerica Nazarene University (MNU) / Grad Credits

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