Incorporating Culturally Diverse Sources into the Social Studies Curriculum


The United States is a world of many diverse people. It is important to be aware of all of the cultures that exist within our country. There is so much to learn much about the history of our country based on various cultural influences. Teachers enrolled in this course will walk away with tangible strategies aimed at incorporating culturally diverse sources into their curriculums.  Applicable to any middle or high school SS teacher.

45 hours / 3 credits in-service and graduate credits.

Please note: If taking this course for MNU graduate credit, there is a TWO step registration process.

Step 1) Register with OSA by purchasing your Graduate Credit course below.

Step 2) Register with MNU:

OSA will email you a registration link within 3 days. Click the link and complete your MNU registration. The separate fee to MNU will be $270.

$240 (OSA) + $270 (MNU)= $510 per graduate course with MNU.


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Samantha Markowitz


(3 Credits / 45 hours) In-service or Graduate


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