Advanced Photography


Understand the basics of photography but want to take your photos to a new level?  Want to change your boring photos into exciting compositions?   Take a ho-hum landscape and make an artistic creation.  Take tedious perspective photos to new heights with ideas to inspire everyone!

Give your photography the boost it needs to inspire yourself and motivate your students. Hone in on your observational skills and make the same old, look new again.  Recognize how the use of light, texture, shadows and reflections give some creativity to your photography. 

45 hours / 3 credits inservice and graduate credits.


Please note: If taking this course for MNU graduate credit, there is a TWO step registration process.

Step 1) Register with OSA by purchasing your Graduate Credit course below.

Step 2) Register with MNU: OSA will email you a registration link within 3 days. Click the link and complete your MNU registration. The separate fee to MNU will be $270.

$240 (OSA) + $270 (MNU)= $510 per graduate course with MNU.



Sue Presberg


(3 Credits / 45 hours) Inservice Credits


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